Chris O'Neill

Chris has had a long research interest in the regulation of the growth and development of the early embryo. He discovered the important role of autocrine trophic factors in development of the embryo and has described their mechanisms of action and the consequences of their deprivation. He was one of the pioneers of optimising human assisted reproductive technologies. His work provided the foundations for preimplantation genetic diagnosis, the treatment of male infertility, improved media design and he pioneered current efforts in understanding the long-term consequences of assisted reproductive technologies on the health of progeny. His lab is currently focussed on defining the fundamental processes of epigenetic reprogramming in the early embryo and the effects of environmental stresses on these processes. Chris is currently Professor of Reproductive and Developmental Medicine, Departments of Medicine and Physiology, University of Sydney; Head, Centre for Developmental and Regenerative Medicine, Kolling Institute for Medical Research; and Research Theme co-Leader - Reproductive, Maternal and Child Health, Sydney Medical School. He serves as a member of the NHMRC Embryo Research Licensing Committee and is a member of the Editorial Board of Reproduction.