srb equity & diversity policy

This Diversity and Inclusion Policy sets out our commitment to diversity and inclusion in our programs, activities and the places we interact; how we will achieve those objectives; and how we will measure those achievements Please download a copy of the policy HERE

mrff consultation process submission

The Society of Reproductive Biology (SRB) is one of Australia’s oldest and most successful research Societies. Its members have a remarkable history of success in providing practical benefits from their innovative research. Examples include the development by our members of virtually all the modern forms of assisted reproductive technology, major advances in contraceptive medicine, and the development of stem cell science leading to the burgeoning field of Regenerative medicine. As well as these profound contributions to health, the research performed by our members is widely extended to: ensure our farmers are the world leaders in reproductive efficiency, herd quality and genetic improvement; contribute to developing the necessary technology for combating the scourge of invasive vertebrate species; and to help our conservationists with tools for species preservation. Please download a copy of the strategy here