
Marelyn Wintour-Coghlan

Marelyn Wintour-Coghlan studied physiology and biochemistry at the University of Queensland.  In 1960, she moved to Department of Physiology at the University of Melbourne where she obtained her Masters Degree (1964) and then a PhD (1972).  By 1980, Marelyn had been promoted to Reader and in 1988 was awarded a Doctor of Science degree.  In 1990 she became a Senior Principal Research Fellow, NHMRC, at the Howard Florey Institute. In 2003 she was recruited to Monash University, Department of Physiology, and became Honorary Professor there for 2005-07.  Marelyn presently holds a position of Honorary Professor in the Department of Anatomy and Developmental Biology at Monash University.  In her career to date, she has over 230 scientific publications, highlighting her broad contributions to the endocrinology of the pregnant mother and developing fetus and the consequences of short periods of stress in early pregnancy for the development of hypertension in the adult offspring. She has served on the Council of the International Union of Physiological Sciences and has helped promote physiological sciences in Africa and South America.  In 2004 she was elected as a Fellow of the Australian Academy of Science.